Nvidia launches Kepler architecture with two GPUs

Nvidia launches two GPUs designed for gamers. The models GeForce GTX 660 and GTX 650 have Kepler architecture, registered by the company, and are used to games supporting DirectX 11. The architecture is developed on Kepler 28 nanometers, which increases computer performance and reduces power. The new architecture is 35% more economical in energy than the previous version. According to Nvidia, the GPU increases up to four times the graphics performance of the PC. The company advises the use of equipment, together with other products of the brand, for games like Call of Duty: Black Ops, Assassin's Creed III and World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. The suggested price of the GTX 650 and GTX 660 from 589 and 859 reais, respectively. GPUs are available on the official website of Nvidia. A video with subtitles on the release is available on YouTube.
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