As can be possible ... humans have had the audacity to defy the gods and built a tower to reach heaven. This outrage can not go unpunished, deserve retaliation. Emulates the work of a god with bad temper in this entertaining game: Babel Rising 3D.
This game developed by Command Productions has come to Android, IPhone, XBox 360 and PS3 at the hands of Ubisoft acquired the franchise. We will use the powers of the gods to prevent the workers responsible for building the tower of Babel to make a success of the work deleting them. The stage, as indicated by the name of the game unfolds in a 3D environment but with limited mobility, and the graphics and sound are excellent. Something to be grateful and very few games have in mind is that in the configuration section can adjust the graphics quality, so that those who have a better device may take advantage of their features without having to pay for the devices with less capacity.
The powers of the god they represent are organized into fire, earth, air and water, and each will have specific powers to play them will require time to be recharged; Throws a giant rock climbing the ramp to overwhelm workers and priests or throw a fireball exploding exterminating his alrrededor workers. With the money we collect to pass levels can successfully enhance the capabilities of our powers and unlock new levels.
Babel Rising is a 3D game in which we easily do with the controls, but the scroll across the screen, at times can be confusing. It also happens that apparently, some devices do not allow the installation of the game or cause failure, but the development team says it is working to resolve these problems. In any case this has hit the Play Store rating which is located on a 3.9 for the free version, which is somewhat unfair in my view.
We have free version and paid version, the second costs € 3.99. Both available from the Play Store.
 | Babel Rising 3D! AMALtd Gratis      | 
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 | Babel Rising 3D AMALtd $4.99      | 
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